Carrot Dog



Recently (thanks to my new show Junk Food Flip) I have been thinking a lot about how to flip classic dishes, especially the meat heavy dishes.





As you know by now (because I've mentioned it about a million times) I like to cook in a way I call Meat On The Side; the idea is that veggies are the star of the plate, not the meat.



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Veggie Bolognese



Since the premier of my show Junk Food Flip (Tuesdays, 9pmET on Cooking Channel), people have been asking me a lot about re-making comfort food dishes (probably because that is the premise of the show).





So today I had to share with you one of my absolute favorite recipe flips.



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Bunnies in Blankets



Bunnies are adorable, they are soft, their ears are far too big for their little heads, and they hop! Let’s face it, they are cute; that is as long as we are talking about a small furry animal and not the random guy hopping up and down behind me on the street. He’s not cute, he’s just creepy.





I tend to make the appetizers for Easter dinner and leave the heavy lifting for my father in-law. It’s hard to help him as I barley have a free hand (no, I cannot put the Sauvignon Blanc down. And what about my other hand?  Well, it’s usually helping me taste test the cheese, a very important job).


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Broccoli Tacos



A Horror Story:

Written by: Nikki Dinki

Sue and her date go to a local restaurant for a nice meal out. Sue orders the salmon, her date the steak and each meal comes with a side of vegetables. They chatter, flirt and then...the meal comes...all they can do is stare in horror at their plates.





It’s not the salmon or the steak that get their attention but that sad, mushy, flavorless, over-steamed broccoli thrown haphazardly on the plate. It’s blatantly obvious that no one at this restaurant cares about broccoli. And being advocates for Broccoli’s rights (ABRs they call themselves) they get up and march out of the restaurant.

For they know, as I do, that broccoli should NEVER be treated this way...


The end.




You see, I didn’t always love broccoli, I’ll admit it. The green tree-like vegetable and me had a bumpy relationship at first. But how can anyone fall in love with this green goddess when she is so often treated and dressed, so poorly?!


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Eggplant Sauce





When your child is young you feed them pureed vegetables. This food is nutritious and easy to eat.


And then, without warning, it goes down!! You start trying to give them whole broccoli instead of the pureed stuff.

This seems logical enough until the tree like foreign object is promptly rejected and dumped on the floor...


And there it sits, under their chair, next to the scary carrot and every horrifying brussel sprout. 






But why give up the simple idea of eating pureed vegetables??

Hate the texture of a vegetable? Puree it!

Think veggies are too bitter or bland?? Add other more tasty pureed stuff to them!


Before you know it you’re eating a whole head of broccoli in a single serving... 



Or maybe a whole eggplant... 




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